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2020.08.21 更新

English Reading Practice #10 - 5Ws and movies

English Reading Practice #10 - 5Ws and movies

Hello again and, as always, thanks as always for reading our blog.


Let's talk about movies again! Last time we asked "do you know" questions about the movie, so let's make a conversation using these questions. 

Do you know the five Wh- questions? They are very important for basic English. 

They are: 

  • Who
  • What
  • When 
  • Where
  • Why (but we won't use this today)

So let's talk about movies using these Wh- questions. 


WHO: Talk about CAST キャストについて

A-San : Do you know the movie Back to the Future

B-San : No, I don't. Who's in it?

A-San : It stars Michael J Fox and Christopher Lloyd. 


WHAT: Talk about GENRE ジャンルについて

A-San : Do you know the movie Back to the Future

B-San : No, I don't. What genre is it?

A-San : It's a sci-fi, comedy movie. 


WHEN: Talk about RELEASE 公開について

A-San : Do you know the movie Back to the Future

B-San : No, I don't. When was it made?

A-San : It was made in 1985. 


WHERE: Talk about SETTING 

A-San : Do you know the movie Back to the Future

B-San : No, I don't. Where is it set?

A-San : It's set in 1980s and 1950s America. 



So, the four questions to ask about a movie are: 

  • Who's in it?
  • What genre is it?
  • When was it made? 
  • Where is it set?


Let's try for a TV show! 


Do you know the TV show Psycho-Pass?

  • Who's in it? (It stars [the voice of] Seki Tomokazu and Hanazawa Kana)
  • What genre is it? (It's a sci-fi, crime TV show)
  • When was it made? (It was made in 2012) 
  • Where is it set? (It's set in future Japan)


Can you answer about your favorite movie or TV show? Let us know on social media the answer to the following questions: 

  1. Who's in it?
  2. What genre is it?
  3. When was it made? 
  4. Where is it set?

Post your answer to Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook

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情熱あふれる教育者・起業家・事業主。カリフォルニア大学バークレー校で日本語と日本文化を専攻(在学中、東京の国際基督教大学に1年間留学)。カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校大学院で学んだあと、東京にある英会話スクールのメイン講師に就任。そこで英会話の教授法と学校経営とについて多くのことを学び、独自のスタイルとビジョンを築き始める。その後沖縄に転居し、2010年に英会話スクール「English World」を設立。経営者として現在にいたる。
